Archeage Character Preset Download

  1. Archeage Character Slots

Every player starts the game from creating his character. It’s very important and time consuming process. Vshare download computer. Your character will represent you in the world of ArcheAge and you will have to look at him for many hours during the whole game.

That’s why it’s important to create a model you like. The first thing you need to decide is the server. There are different servers and all your characters are bounded to a specific server. Note that different servers can locate in different parts of the world. We also recommend to pay attention to the overall loading of the server.

Archeage Character Slots

Realistic Preset Archeage; Screenshot - Realistic Preset Archeage (ArcheAge) Full size. Sep 22, 2014  A guide to the character creation of ArcheAge showing all the different races and presets you can choose from as you create your character. ArcheAge Free Download for PC is an MMORPG developed by Korean developer Jake Song (former developer of Lineage) and his development company, XL Games. The game was released in Korea on January 15, 2013, Europe and North America on September 16, 2014, and has also had a closed beta in China. Feel free to Share your Character Templates. And it would be nice if u can link the XML File with the character save so other ppl can download the character. Save the character preset file to your computer (*username* = your user name on the computer). Create a new character in the game of the same race and gender as the preset. If you try a different race or gender the game will fail to apply the appearance.

Of course it’s great to play on a server with very high population but you may experience some lags and queries there. Faction and Race After the server is chosen you need to make a decision about future race and faction. Note: races are bounded to the factions. So the racial choice matters a lot in the beginning.

Later on you can join pirates’ faction if you wish and there will be all races there. But in the beginning you have to choose starting faction. Mac os x 10.4 download iso.